Many homeowners throughout the Coastal Empire and Lowcountry rely on energy-efficient heat pumps to heat and cool their homes. But what happens when your heat pump blows cold air when it should be blowing heat in winter? In this blog, the HVAC experts from Canady’s Heating, Air & Plumbing explain why your heat pump might be blowing cold air.
It’s in Defrost Mode
Your heat pump might be blowing cold air temporarily because it is in defrost mode. A heat pump automatically switches to defrost mode to shed ice that has accumulated on the outdoor coils. While the system conducts this maintenance service, you might feel cold air blowing into your home.
Your Air Filters are Dirty
Dirty or clogged air filters put extra strain on your heat pump and can cause it to malfunction. Inspecting and replacing dirty air filters every 1-3 months can help ensure your heat pump works efficiently.
Your System is Low on Refrigerant
Refrigerant is used to transfer heat into your home. If the level is low, your heat pump can struggle to heat your home effectively and could even blow cold air. Low refrigerant levels can also cause the heat pump’s outdoor coil to freeze. Only licensed HVAC technicians can work with refrigerant, so if you suspect a leak, it’s important to call a professional to assess the issue.

Your Thermostat is Not Functioning
If the heat pump is the brawn of the system, then your home’s thermostat is the brains. A malfunctioning thermostat can be the reason why your heat pump is blowing cold air. Check your thermostat is set to heat mode and is set to your desired temperature. Replacing batteries in battery-powered models might fix a faulty thermostat. Your professional technician can repair or replace a broken thermostat.
Your System is Stuck in Reverse
Because a heat pump both cools and heats, a reverse valve is critical to making that switch. If the valve malfunctions, it could cause the system to blow cold air instead of heat. Your professional technician can fix or replace a stuck reverse valve to restore function.
Your Heat Pump is Undersized or Nearing its Lifecycle End
If you have made renovations that increase the size of your home, your current heat pump might not be sized to meet the new demand. Likewise, if your system is older than 15 years and you find you are making repeated repairs, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient model. The experts at Canady’s can evaluate your needs, remove your old equipment and professionally install your new heat pump system. Our work is backed by a lifetime HVAC warranty.
Choose Us for Heat Pump Services in Savannah, GA & Beaufort, SC
Don’t ignore the signs of heat pump issues. The best way to ensure your system is ready for winter is with a heat pump tune-up to keep it in proper working order. Signing up for our Canady’s Comfort Club will help extend your system’s lifespan, enhance your home’s comfort and improve the system’s overall energy efficiency.
When your system blows cold air, don’t stress. Contact us online now to schedule heat pump services.