How Your HVAC Unit Can Alleviate Allergies

Allergy season is here, and your HVAC system can play a key role in alleviating your symptoms. To help you and your family mitigate sniffling and sneezing, ensure you’re taking these steps to get the best quality air in your home. 

Change Your Filters Regularly

Air filters are the first line of defense for fighting allergens, especially for households more prone to allergies. Most filters should be changed every 30-60 days. This ensures the filters are working at max capacity and preventing dust particles from affecting your air quality. Some filters may need to be changed more often than others, especially if living with indoor pets. 

Clean Around Your Outdoor Unit

In order to lessen the amount of allergens getting into your home, it’s important to keep your outdoor unit free of debris. Sticks, leaves, grass, and other items can pile up and not only get into your system, and eventually your home, but they can also block airflow, decreasing the efficiency of your HVAC unit.

Dust Registers and Vents

Every few weeks, use a microfiber cloth or wet rag to gently wipe away any dust on the outside of indoor dust registers and vents. Over time these areas can collect dust and spread these particles throughout your home. 

Keep Up With Routine Maintenance 

Maintaining your system regularly can extend the life of your HVAC unit. As part of your maintenance visit, our technicians can check your unit and even help you take additional steps to find the right products for removing airborne irritants. If your household struggles with allergies, follow these steps to ensure your HVAC unit is working properly to keep your air clean and allergen-free. Schedule an appointment with one of our technicians today.

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