Freeze Warning

Christmas Eve Freeze Warning ALERT!

Hello Canady’s family,

Christmas eve night is projected to be one of the coldest we have seen in years.  Temperatures will be in the TEENS for some of our customers.  As Christmas is a holiday, we urge you to take preventive measures now to ensure your heating systems are operating properly.  We will have on-call technicians on Christmas day in case of emergency, but in limited capacity.  Please call us as soon as possible for a check-up or maintenance visit, and we will be sure to get you taken care of prior to the big freeze.

Other measures to consider:

  • Plumbing: Consider dripping your outdoor spigots and indoor faucets that have water lines on exterior walls as these will be prone to freeze and burst.
  • Boats:  Ensure water is out of your lower units and fresh water washdowns.
  • Cars: Ensure proper antifreeze is in the coolant system.
  • Roads: Bridges will freeze and become slippery and dangerous.  Use precaution while traveling during the holidays.
  • HVAC:  Heat pumps will be experiencing defrost.  They will produce steam on the outdoor units as ice is thawed rapidly.  Please refer to our earlier defrost email.

Please be safe and warm!

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