Extend the Life of your System with a Tune & Clean

A lot of people don’t know how often you should get you’re A/C system serviced. Your A/C system is like a car as it continually “drives” to maintain a cool temperature in your home for comfortable living. Here are three reasons why you should schedule an annual tune and clean:

  • Fewer Repairs & Long Life for your System
    A Tune & Clean each season can help prevent any issues with your HVAC system. In the long run, this can better prepare your system for season changes, as well as extending your system’s life. So, if you hear a strange noise from your unit, it is time to give us a phone call for your Tune & Clean.
  • Lower Energy Bills
    Yes, your system may operate without any foreseen problems but don’t forget to look at your monthly energy bill. Did you notice a jump in price from one month in the year to the next? Just like a car, your system tends to run a majority of the time. After a car is tuned up, it tends to get better gas mileage so why not apply that to your HVAC system and energy bill?
  • Safer Operation of your System
    Not only does a failing HVAC system cost you a lot of money, but it can also put your family in extreme danger. For instance, HVAC systems can have short circuits in their electrical wiring. This is easily cause major fires if not tended to immediately.
  • Don’t wait for something to go wrong before you take action! We currently have an $89.00 Spring Tune & Clean special. Call Canady’s today and we can help you maintain your system for years to come!

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