Did You Ever Buy Anything Cheap…

Did you ever buy anything cheap that ended up being a good value? I haven’t. There is always a reason why it is priced cheap. Something is not as it appears, something is missing, or the product is not the quality you were promised it was.

The old adage is true…YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! Don’t ask yourself; “Why is this item more expensive?” Ask yourself; “Why is this product cheaper?” What has been taken away that makes it so cheap?

Some items I consider disposable. If I’m going to use it one time and throw it away. I buy the cheap item.

It doesn’t make any sense to buy something cheap if it’s a long term use item. I bought a cheap ridding lawn mower one time when I was a young chap. It worked ok for the first year. Then after the first year every time I needed to cut the grass I had to fix something. I would spend half a day on Friday running down parts and half my day Saturday repairing the thing before I could even cut the grass. I wish I could say this was the last time I had to learn this lesson but I still do something stupid every so often.

Buying a cheap air conditioner is not smart! A central air-conditioning system is probably the next most expensive item most of us purchase next to our car. A cheap air conditioning system will last about 7 years. In that seven years you will need to take off work and meet a technician at your home to have it repaired on several occasions. After about 7 years you will finally have a major failure, get fed up, and replace it again.

If you choose to purchase a quality system from a reputable company who installs the system correctly the new system will keep your home more comfortable. Your comfort concerns will be solved, you will have far fewer problems, and the system will last more than twice as long.

Also you can’t just shop brand only when it comes to a central air conditioning system. It’s not like buying a car. A Honda Accord is an Accord, built in the same factory by the same robots. This is not the case when it comes to having an air conditioning system installed in your home. The equipment is just part of the system.

So what is the best price? Do the math. How many cheap systems will you have to purchase and how much will the repairs cost you over your lifetime. I call this the lifetime comfort cost. I guarantee … you will be more comfortable, have far less aggravation and save money with the quality system.

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