Canady’s Fall Tune & Clean Will Keep You Comfortable and Save You Money

The Fall season has officially arrived in Savannah and that means that you’re Heating system is likely turning on for the first time this year. Savannah’s Fall months typically brings cooler temperatures and plenty of humidity. As your Heating system works just like a car, running constantly, it will need tending to as it will be diligently working through the cold months in Savannah. You wouldn’t deny your car of a tire rotation or an oil change, so why not deny you’re Heating system of a tune & clean?

Let’s imagine that your Heating system has just kicked on and because you didn’t have your system cleaned and tuned before the cooler months hit, your system isn’t blowing warm air like you had hoped. No one wants to sit in their home in the Fall time and feel cold. You want your home environment to feel warm and comfortable, right? In order to prevent that awful and uncomfortable, cold feeling in your home, a Canady’s Fall Tune & Clean is the answer to all of your problems.

For a Fall Tune & Clean, a Canady’s Expert would come to your home to perform a full inspection of your Heating system, check your refrigerant levels, remove debris, clean operating parts and check the air filter’s quality. All of that would cost you only $89.00. You read that right, $89.00. If you pay for a the Clean & Tune now, you could save yourself hundreds of dollars in the long run. Just like a car, if you pay for preventative maintenance now, it will likely prevent you from thousands of dollars’ worth of repairs later.

If you are interested in making your appointment today for your Fall Tune & Clean, please give us a phone call at (912) 597-2458. Let Canady’s Experts help to keep you comfortable and save you money!

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