5 Ways Hard Water Affects Your Plumbing System

While there is nothing inherently harmful in hard water, it does not taste good — and can negatively affect your plumbing system. Why? Because hard water contains minerals with a high concentration of magnesium and calcium from limestone, chalk, or marble deposits. Without the aid of a water filtration system, the water in your plumbing system can leave behind a film or residue when you shower, wash clothes, or run the dishwasher.

Additionally, hard water can cause significant damage to your appliances and fixtures, resulting in the need for costly repairs. If you find that your glassware is cloudy, clothes have white mineral stains, or shower heads have a visible, flaky buildup, you may be dealing with hard water.

Read on to learn five ways hard water affects your plumbing system.

1. Scale Buildup

When mineral deposits collect in the plumbing system, water flow is impeded. This hard white buildup can be found in faucets, showerheads, washing machines, and other pipes where water is expected to move with ease.

2. Corrosion

Corrosion may be caused by the destructive properties contained in high levels of calcium and magnesium — wreaking havoc on your pipes. The presence of these hardened minerals can lead to water leaks, discolored water, and blockages.

3. Clogged Drains

Soap scum results when hard water and soap intersect. As water flow is obstructed by hard water, blockages and plugs reduce water pressure. Clogged drains can also lead to steady drips, mold growth, and indoor flooding.

4. Water Heater Damage

The corroding power of hard water can shorten the lifespan of an operable water heater. Since expensive plumbing appliances like washing machines and dishwashers rely on your hot water heater to efficiently operate, hard water can also increase your utility bills.

5. Reduced Water Quality

Hard water competes with the detergents, shampoos, and soaps that you use to clean things around the house, so it makes your appliances work harder. While you can still drink the water, it does not effectively remove dirt, oil, and other substances, resulting in lower water quality.

Hard Water Solutions

At Canady’s, we have been serving residential customers in and around Savannah, GA, for over 30 years. We provide quality plumbing repairs, maintenance, and system installations using advanced technology that saves you time and money. We also know a thing or two about how you can get ahead of plumbing issues associated with hard water. Contact us today to schedule a water quality test, or to request a quote for a repair or installation.

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